beau jeune homme

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Graduate or..

Indeed this is not a difficult question to answer. Everyone wants to graduate. But a question then follows your answer. What's been waiting for you?None or any?

Brainstorming method comes up with several answer.

First, find a job.

Second, get married.

Last, take post-graduate study.

Okay. Let's get rumbled with all these three scenarios.

First, find a job. I'm not graduated yet. Hell Yeah. And why do i think i can get a job almost easily. I've been through 2 job test/interview with not good enough result. Yestrday, i went to another one. Hopefully it results in good. But, yeah, there's no insurance.

Well i think this one's not waiting for me.

Second, get married. Hohohoho. Well well well. I'm going too far. What's the matter?

As you know, and as we all know, i'm with no one right now. Why would i think about marriage?

Moreover, i haven't got any job, how could i feed my family?No sense.

And also i'm fumbling with my choice. Which one is better, Dian Sastro or Joanna Alexandra?

Dump this one.

Last, get my master degree. My friend laughed. Yeah, he's got a reason. As you all know, and as we all know, i'm quite struggling here. Why would i enjoy another struggle?No sense.

Oh, cut this one.

Alright. I've reached the end. Nothing's been waiting for me afterall.

So why so lazy.


I missed one. And it's been waiting for me. Death.

Alright fellas. I gotta hurry up. I'm off.

Doing my final project again.

posted by frilo at 10:47 PM 4 comments


Hari ini (Selasa 12 Sept) sebenarnya bakal berat. Aku menjadwalkan diri buat simulasi alat di lab surya. Dijadwalkan jam 5.30 .

Meski bangun jam 3.00 tetap aja tidur lagi n bangun lagi jam 5-an. Trus lupa deh buat ke lab n tidur lagi ampe jam 8.00 . Keren ga tuh.

Pas itu baru ingat kalo harus ke lab. Ahh.

Kenapa harus pagi-pagi? Soalnya mesin pengujinya bakal dipake kalo jam kerja. Jadi awak harus curi-curi waktu.

Nah, tadinya pengen jam makan siang aja. Alat kan ga dipake tuh.

Tapi ternyata eh ternyata badan terasa teu ngeunah pisan euy. Justifikasi pertama.

Kayaknya mendingan pulang dulu nih. Trus istirahat (baca: tidur).

Tapi sholat zuhur dulu ah, di tekprod tea'.

Selesai sholat, weits, ke ruang asisten tekprod heula atuh. Mencari barudak buat nemanin makan. Ada 2 manusia, tapi tak satupun yang belum makan. Ahh. Keknya mendingan pulang n makan di rumah. Justifikasi kedua.

Keluar dari tekprod, ketemu dengan manusia2001. Ngobrol bentar, eh kelamaan. Keknya mendingan ngobrol aja nih. Banyak dapet info. Ntar2 aja deh nguji alatnya. Justifikasi ketiga.

Pas ngobrol, datang si Anjis.

Awak : Woi, Njis...

Njis : Eh si Tungir..

Awak : Kau darimana?

Njis : Itu abis ketemu si Pak Halim.

Awak : Trus sekarang mo kemana?

Njis : Gw mo balik dulu ah, rada ga enak badan euy.

Wah, ada teman balik nih. Keknya asik juga kalo balik. Keknya mendingan balik deh.

Justifikasi terakhir.

Itu lah justifikasi(s) buat menunda mengerjakan TA.

Dan akhirnya aku pending tuh simulasi selama beberapa jam. Dan dikerjakan pada malam hari ini.

Selamat bekerja teman-teman.

Mulai saat ini sebagian post(s) aku tulis dalam BAHASA atas permintaan ekspatriat dari Bunker PDII.

posted by frilo at 10:21 PM 2 comments

Monday, September 25, 2006

Death As A Serious Thing

One night few weeks ago i had the worst night of the nights in my life. Too damn frightening that i couldn't get over it.

Here we go.

I was dead at that time.

A bunch of bad guys came into a house where i and the whole family were deeply sleeping. I noticed them coming. I knew they would be bad men. But i didn't quite know whether my family noticed them or not since we slept in separate rooms.

It was all dark in my room. I don't quite know. May be because something has gone wrong with the electricity. So it was dark. But i could see a ray of moonlight flashing into my room. But it's still too dark.

Then my room door opened ajar.

What a scene.

A man as tall as the door was standing and staring at the dark. But i could see at one time he was staring at me. I moved aside.

He noticed it. He shot, in the dark. But i believed that he could see me a little bit. The shot missed. I moved down to the floor and leaned to the right side of the bed.

There it went.

He noticed me moving. I began to think that he knew where i was. Well he knew. I was totally meshed up. Mind's blown up. This is the first time in my life i saw death as a serious thing. Back to the story.

He shot at me several times. It hit my right ear n i thanked God. The other one missed. The other one missed again. And again.

Till he shot the last that straight through my neck. Wreck my life.I made sound but it was not the sound i meant to. I wanted to scream but all i could hear was different sound.

Aaaargghhhg. It's not what i meant to sound.

Then i noticed my blood had flowing down my neck. A really big bruise torn my neck. I could feel my weakness was about to come very soon. I hardly breathed. Very hard. And i couldn't.

My veins kept flowing the blood out.

And at that time i thought about death. My very precious few minutes.

Then i died. And i began to lose sense about anything.

And i awoke again. Alhamdulillah, it's only a dream.

posted by frilo at 4:48 PM 0 comments